SMCP heeft de afgelopen jaren vele (wetenschappelijke) artikelen gepubliceerd in nationale en internationale tijdschriften. Hieronder zie je een overzicht van de gepubliceerde onderzoeken per jaartal.
Abu Bakar F, Staal JB, van Cingel R, Saito, H, Ostelo R, van Diee¨n JH (2023) Not all movements are equal: Differences in the variability of trunk motor behavior between people with and without low back pain – A systematic review with descriptive synthesis. PLoS ONE 18(9): e0286895.
Luuk Hilkens, Nick van Schijndel, Vera Weijer, Marleen Boerboom, Esther van der Burg, Velibor Peters, Robert Kempers, Judith Bons, Luc J.C. van Loon, and Jan-Willem van Dijk. Low Bone Mineral Density and Associated Risk Factors in Elite Cyclists at Different Stages of a Professional Cycling Career. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, Publish Ahead of Print
Beate Dejaco, Lex D. de Jong, J. Bart Staal, Harry van Goor, Niki Stolwijk, Jeremy Lewis. The Concurrent Validity and Software Reliability of Virtual Reality to measure Shoulder Flexion and Scaption Range of Motion. Physiotherapy, (2023)
Beate Dejaco, MSc, Marc Wagener, MD, Jeremy Lewis, PhD, FCSP. A Case Report
on the Use of Virtual Reality in the Rehabilitation of an Unstable Shoulder. Jospt cases. Issue in progress
Niamh BradyID, Beate Dejaco, Jeremy Lewis, Karen McCreesh, Joseph G. McVeigh. Physiotherapist beliefs and perspectives on virtual reality supported rehabilitation for the management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain: A focus group study. PLoS ONE 18(4): e0284445
Niamh Brady, Jeremy Lewis, Karen McCreesh, Beate Dejaco, Joseph G. McVeig. Physiotherapist beliefs and perspectives on virtual reality–supported rehabilitation for the assessment and management of musculoskeletal shoulder pain: a focus group study protocol [version 2; peer review: 2 approved with reservations] 2022, HRB Open Research 2022
Inge E.P.M. van Haren, Robert E.H. van Cingel, André L.M. Verbeek, Nicky van Melicke,
Janine H. Stubbe, Hans Bloo, J.Hans M.M. Groenewoud, Philip J. van der Wees,
J.Bart Staal. Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine 66 (2023) 101689
Bas Habets, Robert E.H. van Cingel, Frank J.G. Backx, Hilco J. van Elten, Peter Zuithoff, and Bionka M.A. Huisstede. No Difference in Clinical Effects When Comparing Alfredson Eccentric and Silbernagel Combined Concentric-Eccentric Loading in Achilles Tendinopathy; A Randomized Controlled Trial. The Orthopaedic Journal of Sports Medicine 2021
W. M. Charmant, P. J. van der Wees, J. B. Staal , R. van Cingel, J. M. Sieben and R. A. de Bie; A framework exploring the therapeutic alliance between elite athletes and physiotherapists: a qualitative study 2021. BMC Sports Sci Med Rehabil (2021)
Prashant Komdeur, Thijs T Wingelaar, Rob A van Hulst. A survey on the health status of Dutch scuba diving instructors. Diving Hyperb Med. 2021;51(1):18-24. Nederlandse samenvatting.
Van Melick N, Hoogeboom TJ, Pronk Y, Rutten B, van Tienen TG, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG, van Cingel REH. Less than half of ACL-reconstructed athletes are cleared for return to play based on practice guideline criteria: results from a prospective cohort study. 2020 The international Journal of Sports Physical Therapy, December 2020.
Liselot van Erp, Britt Roosenboom, Prashant Komdeur, Wendy Dijkstra‑Heida, Jolien Wisse, Carmen Horjus Talabur Horje, Camilo Liem, Robert van Cingel, Peter Wahab, Marcel Groenen. Improvement of Fatigue and Quality of Life in Patients with Quiescent Inflammatory Bowel Disease Following a Personalized Exercise Program. 2020 Digestive Diseases and Sciences, april 2020.
Eefje Roelofsen, Robert van Cingel, Yvette Pronk, Bart Staala,
Maria Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Ruud Meulenbroek. Leg-amplitude differentiation guided by haptic and visual feedback to detect alterations in motor flexibility due to Total Knee Replacement. 2020 Human Movement Science 71 (2020) 102623.
Wim van Lankveld, Ron J. Pat-El, Nicky van Melick, Robert van Cingel and Bart Staal. Is Fear of Harm (FoH) in Sports-Related Activities a Latent Trait? The Item Response Model Applied to the Photographic Series of Sports Activities for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture (PHOSA-ACLR). 2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Eefje G.J. Roelofsen, Robert van Cingel, Bart Staal, Maria W. G. Nijhuis-van der Sanden, Ruud G.J. Meulenbroek. Changes in motor-flexibility following anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction as measured by means of a leg-amplitude differentiation task with haptic and visual feedback. 2020 Clinical Biomechanics 80 (2020) 105186.
Wim van Lankveld , Nicky van Melick, Bas Habets, Yvette Pronk, J. Bart Staal and Robert van Cingel. Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the Dutch knee self efficacy scale (K-SES) 2019 BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation, 11:3.
Renato Andrade, Rogério Pereira, Robert van Cingel, J Bart Staal, João Espregueira-Mendes. How should clinicians rehabilitate patients after ACL reconstruction? A systematic review of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) with a focus on quality appraisal (AGREE II) Br J Sports Med 2019;1–9.
Bas Habets, Bionka Huisstede & Robert van Cingel. Achillestendinopathie, Deel III: behandeling. Sportgericht nr. 1 | 2019 42-48
Bosga J, Hullegie W, Van Cingel R, Meulenbroek R. Solution space: Monitoring the dynamics of motor rehabilitation. Physiother Theory Pract. 2018
Habets B, Staal JB, Tijssen M, Van Cingel REH. Intrarater reliability of the Humac NORM isokinetic dynamometer for strength measurements of the knee and shoulder muscles. BMC Res Notes. 2018;11:15.
Habets B, Van den Broek AG, Huisstede BMA, Backx FJG, Van Cingel REH. Return to sport in athletes with midportion Achilles tendinopathy: A qualitative review regarding definitions and criteria. Sports Med. 2018;48(3):705-723.
Habets B, Van Cingel R, Huisstede B. Achillestendinopathie deel 1: anatomie, pathofysiologie, etiologie en epidemiologie. Sportgericht. 2018: 3: 18-22.
Habets B, Van Cingel R, Huisstede B. Achillestendinopathie deel 2: diagnostiek en extra handvatten. Sportgericht. 2018; 5:20-23.
Tak I, Tijssen M, Schamp T, Siereveldt I, Thorborg K, Kerkhoffs G, Stubbe J, Van Beijsterveldt AM, Haverkamp D. The Dutch Hip and Groin Outcome Score: Cross-cultural adaptation and validation according to the COSMIN checklist. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018;48(4):299-306.
Tijssen M, Tak I, Stubbe J, Haverkamp D, De Visser E, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden R, Van Cingel R. Translation, cross-cultural adaptation, and validation of the Dutch international Hip Outcome Tool-33 (iHOT-33 NL) in young physically active individuals with symptomatic hip joint pathology. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2018;48(4):289-298 doi:10.2519/jospt.2018.7610 [Epub ahead of print].
Van Melick N, Van Rijn L, Nijhuis-van der Sanden MWG, Hoogeboom TJ, van Cingel REH. Fatigue affects quality of movement more in ACL-reconstructed soccer players than in healthy soccer players. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2018 Sep 27.
Wilkens, OW, Kokshoorn APJ , Konings PC, de Vries T, van Rheenen S Chronisch compartiment syndroom van het laterale compartiment van de onderarm Sport & Geneeskunde sept 2018.
Van Melick N, Meddeler BM, Hoogeboom TJ, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MWG, Van Cingel REH. How to determine leg dominance: The agreement between self-reported and observed performance in healthy adults. PLoS ONE 12(12): e0189876
Ruitenbeek JJAC, Habets B. Oefentherapie gericht op motor control impairment bij lage rugklachten. Physios. 2017;9(3):25-33.
Habets B, Van Cingel REH, Backx FJG, Huisstede BMA. Alfredson versus Silbernagel exercise therapy in chronic midportion Achilles tendinopathy: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017;18(1):296.
Van Lankveld W, Van Melick, N, Habets B, Roelofsen E, Staal JB, Van Cingel R. Measuring individual hierarchy of anxiety invoking sports related activities: development and validation of the Photographic Series of Sports Activities for Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction (PHOSA-ACLR). BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2017;18(1):287.
Loeffen FGJ, Kokshoorn APJ, Moen MH. Chronisch compartimentsyndroom van de onderarm: Een beschrijvende review. Sport & Geneeskunde 2017;50(2):21-31.
Van Cingel R, Habets B, Willemsen L, Staal B. Shoulder dynamic control ratio and rotation range of motion in female junior eilte handball players and controls. Clin J Sport Med. 2017 Apr 27. [Epub ahead of print].
Habets B, Smits HW, Backx FJG, Van Cingel REH, Huisstede BMA. Hip muscle strength is decreased in middle-aged recreational male athletes with midportion Achilles tendinopathy: A cross sectional study. Phys Ther Sport. 2017;25:55-61.
Tijssen M, Van Cingel RE, De Visser E, Hölmich P, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW. Hip joint pathology: relationship between patient history, physical tests, and arthroscopy findings in clinical practice. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2017;27(3):342-350.
Tijssen M, Schamp T, Tak I. Vertaling, cross-culturele adaptatie en validatie van patient reported outcome measures. Sport & Geneeskunde. 2017;(2):42-44.
Engelen-Van Melick N, Van Cingel REH, Van Tienen TG, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW. Functional performance 2-9 years after ACL reconstruction: Cross-sectional comparison between athletes with bone-patellar tendon-bone, semitendinosus/gracilis and healthy controls. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2017;25(5):1412-1423.
Van Melick N, Van Cingel RE, Brooijmans F, Neeter C, Van Tienen T, Hullegie W, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW. Evidence-based clinical practice update: practice guidelines for anterior cruciate ligament rehabilitation based on a systematic review and multidisciplinary consensus. Br J Sports Med. 2016;50(24):1506-1515.
Slade SC, Dionne CE, Underwood M, Buchbinder R, Beck B, Bennell K, Brosseau L, Costa L, Cramp F, Cup E, Feehan L, Ferreira M, Forbes S, Glasziou P, Habets B, Harris S, Hay-Smith J, Hillier S, Hinman R, Holland A, Hondras M, Kelly G, Kent P, Lauret GJ, Long A, Maher C, Morso L, Osteras N, Peterson T, Quinlivan R, Rees K, Regnaux JP, Rietberg M, Saunders D, Skoetz N, Sogaard K, Takken T, Van Tulder M, Voet N, Ward L, White C. Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT): Modified Delphi study. Phys Ther. 2016;96(10):1514-1524.
Dejaco B, Habets B, Van Loon C, Van Grinsven S, Van Cingel R. Eccentric versus conventional exercise therapy in patients with rotator cuff tendinopathy: A randomized, single blinded, clinical trial. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2016;25(7):2051-2059.
Tijssen M, Van Cingel R, De Visser E, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden M. A clinical observational study on patient-reported outcomes, hip functional performance and return to sports activities in hip arthroscopy patients. Phys Ther Sport. 2016;20:45-55.
Roelofsen EG, Bosga J, Rosenbaum DA, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW, Hullegie W, Van Cingel R, Meulenbroek RG. Haptic feedback helps bipedal coordination. Exp Brain Res. 2016;234(10):2869-2881.
Van der Worp MP, De Wijer A, Van Cingel R, Verbeek AL, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW, Staal JB. The 5- or 10-km Marikenloop Run: A prospective study of the etiology of running-related injuries in women. J Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2016;46(6):462-470.
Tijssen M, Van Cingel RE, Staal JB, Teerenstra S, De Visser E, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW. Physical therapy aimed at self-management versus usual care physical therapy after hip arthroscopy for femoroacetabular impingement: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2016;17:91.
De Vries A, Zwerver J, Diercks R, Tak I, Van Berkel S, Van Cingel R, Van der Worp H, Van den Akker-Scheek I. Effect of patellar strap and sports tape on pain in patellar tendinopathy: A randomized controlled trial. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2016;26(10):1217-1224.
Habets B, Van Cingel REH, Ostelo RWJG. Reproducibility of a battery of commonly used clinical tests to evaluate lumbopelvic motor control. Phys Ther Sport. 2015;16(4):331-339.
Hullegie W, Van Cingel R. Meten met twee maten. Fysiopraxis. 2015 Oktober;8:31-33.
Van der Worp MH, Ten Haaf DS, Van Cingel R, De Wijer A, Nijhuis-Van der Sanden MW, Staal JB. Injuries in runners: A systematic review on risk factors and sex differences. PLoS One. 2015;10(2):e0114937.
Van Amerongen IA, Van Cingel REH. Het posterieur enkel impingement syndroom: Een beschrijvende review. Sport & Geneeskunde. 2015;2:12-21.
Thorborg K, Tijssen M, Habets B, Bartels EM, Roos EM, Kemp J, Crossley KM, Hölmich P. Patient-Reported Outcome (PRO) questionnaires for young-aged to middle-aged adults with hip and groin disability: a systematic review of the clinimetric evidence. Br J Sports Med. 2015;49(12):812.
Habets B, Van Cingel EHR. Eccentric exercise training in chronic mid-portion Achilles tendinopathy: A systematic review on different protocols. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2015;25(1):3-15.
N. Engelen-van Melick, W. Hullegie, F. Brooijmans, E. Hendriks, C. Neeter, T. van Tienen en R. van Cingel. KNGF Evidence Statement: Revalidatie na voorste-kruisbandreconstructie. De Gans, Amersfoort: 2014.
Sanders RJM, Kokshoorn APJ, Kolkman KA, Van der Wal WA, Van Loon CJM. Klinische les: Liespijn bij sporters. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2014;158:A7787.
Hullegie W, Bosga J, Roelofsen E, Van Cingel R, Meulenbroek R. Oplossingsruimte als indicator voor de gezondheid van het bewegingsapparaat. Physios 2013;4:49-57.
Groters S, Groen BE, Van Cingel R, Duysens J. Double-leg stance and dynamic balance in individuals with functional ankle instability. Gait Posture. 2013;38(4):968-973.
Van Herzeele M, Van Cingel R, Maenhout A, De Mey K, Cools A. Does the application of kinesiotape change scapular kinematics in healthy female handball players? Int J Sports Med. 2013;34(11):950-955.
Hullegie W, Bosga J, Roelofsen E, Van Cingel R, Meulenbroek R. Oplossingsruimte, een nieuw fenomeen in de fysiotherapie? Physios. 2013;3:36-42.
Ilbrink S, Kokshoorn A.P.J., van Loon C.J.M., Habets B. Het Fabella Syndroom. Sport & Geneeskunde. 2013;46(3):20-24.
Maenhout A, Van Cingel R, De Mey K, Van Herzeele M, Dhooge F, Cools A. Sonogrpahic evaluation of the acromiohumeral distance in elite and recreational female overhead athletes. Clin J Sport Med. 2013;23(3):178-183.
Visser E de, Tijssen M. Labrumletsels van het heupgewricht. Ned Tijdschr Traumatologie. 2013;2:69-75.
Engelen-van Melick N, Van Cingel EHR, Tijssen PW, Nijhuis-van der Sanden WG. Assessment of functional performance after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: A systematic review of measurement procedures. Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. 2013;21(4):869-879.
Döring A, Kokshoorn APJ. Stressfracturen van de onderste extremiteit bij sporters. Ned Tijdschr Traumatologie. 2013;2:37-43.
Maas ET, Juch JN, Groeneweg JG, Ostelo RW, Koes BW, Verhagen AP, Van Raamt M, Wille F, Huygen FJ, Van Tulder MW. Cost-effectiveness of minimal interventional procedures for chronic mechanical low back pain: Design of four randomised controlled with an economic evaluation. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2012;13:260.
Van Cingel EHR, Hullegie W. Revalidatie na reconstructie van de voorste kruisband. In: Van Cingel EHR, Hullegie W, Witvrouw E (red), Musculoskeletale aandoeningen in de sport: De Knie. Reed Business, Amsterdam 2012.
Engelen-van Melick N. Fysiotherapeutische revalidatie na VKB-reconstructie. Een sprong voorwaarts? Fysiopraxis. 2012;21(10):38-39.
Tijssen M, Van Cingel R, Willemsen L, De Visser E. Diagnostics of Femoroacetabular Impingement and Labral Pathology of the Hip: A Systematic Review of the Accuracy and Validity of Physical Tests. Arthroscopy. 2012;28(6):860-871.
Harmelink, KEM, ten Elshof T, Van Cingel R, Hullegie W. Sporten na een totale knie prothese: de zes P’s voor advies. Sport & Geneeskunde. 2012;45(1):28-31.
Hullegie W, Van Cingel R, Bosga J. Een modern kijk op ICF: systeembiologisch denken en het lichamelijk onderzoek door de fysiotherapeut. Ned Tijdschr Fysiotherapie. 2012;122(3):123-126.
Hullegie W, Van Cingel R, Bosga J. Systeembiologisch denken: wie durft? Ned. Tijdschr Fysiotherapie. 2012;122(1):2-6.
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